Volume 710,

November 2023

Evaluating the Effects of the 2021 Expansion of the Child Tax Credit

Special Editors: Megan Curran, Hilary Hoynes, and Zachary Parolin

Economic Policy, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 709,

September 2023

Migration and Crime in a Divided World

Special Editors: Luigi Achilli, Antje Missbach, and Soledad Álvarez Velasco

Immigration/Migration, Sociocultural Phenomena/Events

Volume 708,

July 2023

The January 6th, 2025, Project: Assessing Current Threats to American Democracy

Special Editors: Matthew E.K. Hall

Domestic Politics, Sociocultural Phenomena/Events

Volume 707,

May 2023

Media Policy for an Informed Citizenry: Revisiting the Information Needs of Communities for Democracy in Crisis

Special Editors: Nikki Usher, Joshua P. Darr, Philip M. Napoli, and Michael L. Miller


Volume 706,

March 2023

Overlapping Public Investments in Child Well-Being: A Reconsideration of the Social Safety Net

Special Editors: Margot I. Jackson, Susan L. Moffitt, and Susanna Loeb

Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 705,

January 2023

Civic Education in a Time of Democratic Crisis

Special Editors: Gregory White, Dian Dong, David E. Campbell, and Carol D. Lee


Volume 704,

November 2022

Preventing Gun Violence in America: What Works and What Is Possible

Special Editors: Cassandra Crifasi, Jennifer Necci Dineen, and Kerri M. Raissian

Crime and Policing

Volume 703,

September 2022

The Social and Community Consequences of the Opioid Epidemic

Special Editors: Rajeev Darolia and Colleen Heflin

Crime and Policing, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 702,

July 2022

Single-Parent Families and Public Policy: Evidence from High-Income Countries

Special Editors: Janet C. Gornick, Laurie C. Maldonado, and Amanda Sheely

Marriage and Family, Social Science/Public Policy

Volume 701,

May 2022

From Supervision to Opportunity: Reimagining Probation and Parole

Special Editors: David J. Harding, Bruce Western, and Jasmin A. Sandelson

Crime and Policing

Volume 700,

March 2022

Threats to Science: Politicization, Misinformation, and Inequalities

Special Editors: James N. Druckman

Sociocultural Phenomena/Events

Volume 699,

January 2022

Democratic Vulnerabilities

Special Editors: Robert C. Lieberman, Suzanne Mettler, and Thomas B. Pepinsky

Domestic Politics

Volume 698,

November 2021

The COVID-19 Shock to Our Deep Inequities: How to Mitigate the Impact

Special Editors: Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Carol Graham, and Edward F. Lawlor

Economic Policy, Race and Racial Inequality

Volume 697,

September 2021

Making Sense of One Another in Crossing Borders: Social Cognition and Migration Politics

Special Editors: Ilka Vari-Lavoisier and Susan T. Fiske (with contributing editors Christophe Nordman and Douglas S. Massey)

Immigration/Migration, Sociocultural Phenomena/Events

Volume 696,

July 2021

Investing in Latino Children and Youth

Special Editors: Lisa A. Gennetian and Marta Tienda

Children and Youth, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 695,

May 2021

What Has Happened to the American Working Class since the Great Recession?

Special Editors: Timothy M. Smeeding, Jennifer Romich, and Michael R. Strain

Economic Policy, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 694,

March 2021

Legacies of Racial Violence: Clarifying and Addressing the Presence of the Past

Special Editors: David Cunningham, Hedwig Lee, and Geoff Ward

Race and Racial Inequality, Sociocultural Phenomena/Events

Volume 693,

January 2021

The Dynamics of Homelessness: Research and Policy

Special Editors: Barrett A. Lee, Marybeth Shinn, and Dennis P. Culhane

Sociocultural Phenomena/Events, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 692,

November 2020

Toward a Better Approach to Preventing, Identifying, and Addressing Child Maltreatment

Special Editors: Lawrence M. Berger and Kristen S. Slack

Children and Youth, Sociocultural Phenomena/Events, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 691,

September 2020

The Rise of the Regulatory Welfare State: The Use and Abuse of Social Regulation

Special Editors: David Levi-Faur and Avishai Benish


Volume 690,

July 2020

Refugee and Immigrant Integration: Unpacking the Research, Translating It into Policy

Special Editors: Katharine M. Donato and Elizabeth Ferris

Comparative Research, Immigration/Migration

Volume 689,

May 2020

Do Networks Help People to Manage Poverty? Perspectives from the Field

Special Editors: Miranda J. Lubbers, Hugo Valenzuela García, and Mario Luis Small

Sociocultural Phenomena/Events, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 688,

March 2020

Young People in Uncertain Labor Markets: International Evidence

Special Editors: Wei-Jun Jean Yeung, Yi Yang, and Arne L. Kalleberg

Children and Youth, Economic Policy

Volume 687,

January 2020

Fatal Police Shootings: Patterns, Policy, and Prevention

Special Editors: Lawrence W. Sherman

Crime and Policing

Volume 686,

November 2019

Entitlement Reform

Special Editors: Robert A. Moffitt and James P. Ziliak

Economic Policy, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 685,

September 2019

New Policies, New Politics? Policy Feedback, Power-Building, and American Governance

Special Editors: Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson

Domestic Politics

Volume 684,

July 2019

Behind the Smoke and Mirrors of U.S. Immigration Policy: Research from the Mexican Migration Project

Special Editors: Jorge Durand and Douglas S. Massey


Volume 683,

May 2019

What Use Is Educational Assessment?

Special Editors: Amy I. Berman, Michael J. Feuer, and James W. Pellegrino

Education, Social Science/Public Policy

Volume 682,

March 2019

Attitudes about Work: How They Are Formed and Why They Matter

Special Editors: Gerbert Kraaykamp, Zeynep Cemalcilar, and Jale Tosun

Comparative Research, Sociocultural Phenomena/Events

Volume 681,

January 2019

Polarizing Polities: A Global Threat to Democracy

Special Editors: Jennifer McCoy and Murat Somer

Comparative Research, Sociocultural Phenomena/Events

Volume 680,

November 2018

Longitudinal Research on Social Dynamics: The PSID at 50 Years

Special Editors: David S. Johnson, Katherine A. McGonagle, Vicki A. Freedman and Narayan Sastry

Social Science/Public Policy, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 679,

September 2018

Regulating Crime: The New Criminology of Crime Control

Special Editors: Joshua D. Freilich and Graeme R. Newman

Crime and Policing, Regulation

Volume 678,

July 2018

Evidence-Based Social Policy: The Promise and Challenges of a Movement

Special Editors: Ron Haskins

Social Science/Public Policy

Volume 677,

May 2018

What Census Data Miss about American Diversity

Special Editors: Richard Alba and Kenneth Prewitt

Social Science/Public Policy

Volume 676,

March 2018

Migrant Smuggling as a Collective Strategy and Insurance Policy: Views from the Margins

Special Editors: Sheldon X. Zhang, Gabriella E. Sanchez, and Luigi Achilli

Comparative Research, Immigration/Migration

Volume 675,

January 2018

Developing the Basis for Secure and Accessible Data for High Impact Program Management, Policy Development, and Scholarship

Special Editors: Andrew Reamer, Julia Lane, Ian Foster, and David Ellwood

Social Science/Public Policy

Volume 674,

November 2017

The State of Unequal Educational Opportunity: The Coleman Report 50 Years Later

Special Editors: Margot I. Jackson and Susan L. Moffitt

Education, Race and Racial Inequality

Volume 673,

September 2017

Inner-City Schools: Inequality and Urban Education

Special Editors: Elijah Anderson and Luke Anderson

Education, Urban/Metropolitan Affairs

Volume 672,

July 2017

The New Rural-Urban Interface

Special Editors: Daniel T. Lichter and James P. Ziliak

Socioeconomic Well-Being, Urban/Metropolitan Affairs

Volume 671,

May 2017

Understanding Student Debt: Who Borrows, the Consequences of Borrowing, and the Implications for Federal Policy

Special Editors: Laura W. Perna and Nicholas Hillman

Economic Policy, Education

Volume 670,

March 2017

Regulatory Intermediaries in the Age of Governance

Special Editors: Kenneth W. Abbott, David Levi-Faur, and Duncan Snidall


Volume 669,

January 2017

The New Big Science: Linking Data to Understand People in Context

Special Editors: Sandra L. Hofferth and Emilio F. Moran

Social Science/Public Policy

Volume 668,

November 2016

The Middle East and Regional Transition, Terrorism, and Countering Violent Extremism: What the Next President Will Face

Special Editors: Rand Beers, Richard A. Clarke, Emilian Papadopoulos, and Paul Salem

Foreign Policy/Affairs

Volume 667,

September 2016

Elections in America

Special Editors: Larry M. Bartels

Domestic Politics

Volume 666,

July 2016

Undocumented Migration in a Global Economy

Special Editors: Katharine M. Donato and Douglas S. Massey

Comparative Research, Immigration/Migration

Volume 665,

May 2016

Tough on Crime, Tough on Families? Criminal Justice and Family Life in America

Special Editors: Christopher Wildeman, Sara Wakefield, and Hedwig Lee

Crime and Policing, Marriage and Family

Volume 664,

March 2016

The Great Experiment: Realigning Criminal Justice in California and Beyond

Special Editors: Charis Kubrin and Carroll Seron

Crime and Policing

Volume 663,

January 2016

Living in a High-Inequality Regime

Special Editors: Alair MacLean and David B. Grusky

Economic Policy, Race and Racial Inequality

Volume 662,

November 2015

Intermarriage and Integration Revisited: International Experiences and Cross-Disciplinary Approaches

Special Editors: Dan Rodríguez-García

Marriage and Family

Volume 661,

September 2015

Race, Racial Inequality, and Biological Determinism in the Genetic and Genomic Era

Special Editors: W. Carson Byrd and Matthew W. Hughey

Race and Racial Inequality, Social Science/Public Policy

Volume 660,

July 2015

Residential Inequality in American Neighborhoods and Communities

Special Editors: Barrett A. Lee, Glenn Firebaugh, John Iceland and Stephen A. Matthews

Race and Racial Inequality, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 659,

May 2015

Toward Computational Social Science: Big Data in Digital Environments

Special Editors: Dhavan V. Shah, Joseph N. Cappella, and W. Russell Neuman

Communications/Media, Social Science/Public Policy

Volume 658,

March 2015

The Politics of Science: Political Values and the Production, Communication, and Reception of Scientific Knowledge

Special Editors: Elizabeth Suhay and James N. Druckman


Volume 657,

January 2015

Monitoring Social Mobility in the Twenty-First Century

Special Editors: David B. Grusky, Timothy M. Smeeding, and C. Matthew Snipp

Economic Policy, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 656,

November 2014

Aid and Institution-Building in Fragile States: Findings from Comparative Cases

Special Editors: Rachel M. Gisselquist

Comparative Research, Foreign Policy/Affairs

Volume 655,

September 2014

The Role of State Policy in Promoting College Access and Success

Special Editors: Laura W. Perna and Michael K. McLendon

Economic Policy, Education

Volume 654,

July 2014

Family Complexity, Poverty, and Public Policy

Special Editors: Marcia J. Carlson and Daniel R. Meyer

Economic Policy, Marriage and Family

Volume 653,

May 2014

Human Trafficking: Recent Empirical Research

Special Editors: Ronald Weitzer and Sheldon X. Zhang

Foreign Policy/Affairs, Sociocultural Phenomena/Events

Volume 652,

March 2014

Strengthening Governance in South Africa: Building on Mandela’s Legacy

Special Editors: Robert I. Rotberg

Foreign Policy/Affairs

Volume 651,

January 2014

Detaining Democracy? Criminal Justice and American Civic Life

Special Editors: Christopher Wildeman, Jacob S. Hacker, and Vesla M. Weaver

Crime and Policing, Race and Racial Inequality

Volume 650,

November 2013

The Effects of the Great Recession

Special Editors: Sheldon Danziger

Sociocultural Phenomena/Events, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 649,

September 2013

Organizational Challenges to Regulatory Enforcement and Compliance: A New Common Sense about Regulation

Special Editors: Susan S. Silbey


Volume 648,

July 2013

Youth Migration and Transitions to Adulthood in Developing Countries

Special Editors: Fatima Juárez, Thomas LeGrand, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Susheela Singh, and Véronique Hertrich

Children and Youth, Immigration/Migration

Volume 647,

May 2013

Reconsidering the Urban Disadvantaged: The Role of Systems, Institutions, and Organizations

Special Editors: Mario L. Small and Scott W. Allard

Socioeconomic Well-Being, Urban/Metropolitan Affairs

Volume 646,

March 2013

Transitioning to Adulthood in Asia: School, Work, and Family Life

Special Editors: Wei-Jun Jean Yeung, Cheryll Alipio, and Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr.

Children and Youth, Comparative Research

Volume 645,

January 2013

The Nonresponse Challenge to Surveys and Statistics

Special Editors: Douglas Massey and Roger Tourangeau

Social Science/Public Policy

Volume 644,

November 2012

Communications, Consumers, and Citizens: Revisiting the Politics of Consumption

Special Editors: Dhavan V. Shah, Lewis A. Friedland, Chris Wells, Young Mie Kim, and Hernando Rojas

Communications/Media, Sociocultural Phenomena/Events

Volume 643,

September 2012

Migrant Youths and Children of Migrants in a Globalized World

Special Editors: Alícia Adserà and Marta Tienda

Children and Youth, Immigration/Migration

Volume 642,

July 2012

Bringing Fieldwork Back In: Contemporary Urban Ethnographic Research

Special Editors: Elijah Anderson, Dana Asbury, Duke W. Austin, Esther C. Kim, and Vani S. Kulkarni

Urban/Metropolitan Affairs

Volume 641,

May 2012

Immigration and the Changing Social Fabric of American Cities

Special Editors: John MacDonald and Robert J. Sampson

Immigration/Migration, Urban/Metropolitan Affairs

Volume 640,

March 2012

Advancing Reasoned Action Theory

Special Editors: Michael Hennessy

Sociocultural Phenomena/Events

Volume 639,

January 2012

Gender and Race Inequality in Management: Critical Issues, New Evidence

Special Editors: Matt L. Huffman

Gender and Gender Inequality, Race and Racial Inequality

Volume 638,

November 2011

Work, Family, and Workplace Flexibility

Special Editors: Kathleen Christensen and Barbara Schneider

Economic Policy, Sociocultural Phenomena/Events

Volume 637,

September 2011

Race, Religion, and Late Democracy

Special Editors: John L. Jackson, Jr., and David Kyuman Kim

Foreign Policy/Affairs, Race and Racial Inequality, Religion, Sociocultural Phenomena/Events

Volume 636,

July 2011

Patrimonial Power in the Modern World

Special Editors: Julia Adams and Mounira M. Charrad

Sociocultural Phenomena/Events

Volume 635,

May 2011

Young Disadvantaged Men: Fathers, Families, Poverty, and Policy

Special Editors: Timothy Smeeding, Irwin Garfinkel, and Ronald B. Mincy

Economic Policy, Marriage and Family

Volume 634,

March 2011

Race, Racial Attitudes, and Stratification Beliefs

Special Editors: Matthew O. Hunt and George Wilson

Race and Racial Inequality, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 633,

January 2011

The Child as Citizen

Special Editors: Felton Earls

Children and Youth, Foreign Policy/Affairs

Volume 632,

November 2010

Perspectives on Africa and the World

Special Editors: Tukufu Zuberi and Tanji Gilliam

Comparative Research, Foreign Policy/Affairs

Volume 631,

September 2010

The Federal Statistical System: Its Vulnerability Matters More Than You Think

Special Editors: Kenneth Prewitt

Social Science/Public Policy

Volume 630,

July 2010

Continental Divides: International Migration in the Americas

Special Editors: Katharine M. Donato, Jonathan Hiskey, Jorge Durand, and Douglas S. Massey

Foreign Policy/Affairs, Immigration/Migration

Volume 629,

May 2010

Reconsidering Culture and Poverty

Special Editors: Mario Luis Small, David Harding, and Michèle Lamont

Race and Racial Inequality, Socioeconomic Well-Being

Volume 628,

March 2010

Field Experiments in Comparative Politics and Policy

Special Editors: Donald P. Green and Peter John

Social Science/Public Policy

Volume 627,

January 2010

Beyond Admissions: Re-Thinking College Opportunities and Outcomes

Special Editors: Mark C. Long and Marta Tienda

Education, Race and Racial Inequality

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