Our bimonthly journal of research

The ANNALS of the AAPSS addresses society’s most important problems and concerns with high-quality research.

First published in 1890, The ANNALS took its current form in 1914: each of our bimonthly volumes takes up a particular social challenge or phenomenon, mustering research and evidence to illuminate it in ways that advance science and public policy.

Current Volume

Migration and Crime in a Divided World

Volume 709, September 2023

Special Editors: Luigi Achilli, Antje Missbach, and Soledad Álvarez Velasco

This volume delves deeply into the criminalization of migrants under current policy and technology, focusing on how migrants perceive and react to policy enactment and implementation. The articles examine the day-to-day experiences of criminalized migrants around the world, advancing our understanding of some of the societal effects of migration policies and of the relationship between criminalization and migration.

This collection seeks to inspire more critical scholarship, given that public narratives about migration tend to present narratives of tragedy and despair only. The special editors argue that policy and public understanding of migration can improve with broadened knowledge of how migrants respond to their criminalization and sustain their migratory projects and their lives.

From the Archives

Migrant Smuggling as a Collective Strategy and Insurance Policy: Views from the Margins

Volume 676, March 2018

Special Editors: Sheldon X. Zhang, Gabriella E. Sanchez, and Luigi Achilli

Dominant representations of contemporary smuggling and migration have created concerns of a “migration crisis” that threatens countries’ national security. This narrative broadly paints migrant smugglers as ruthless and human smuggling as corrupt and evil, disregarding both smugglers’ personal motivations to help and migrants’ reasons to seek such assistance.

This volume draws on evidence around the world to explore the complex relationship
between smugglers and the immigrants they smuggle. It also shows how government policies and immigration enforcement and control measures can be counterproductive, playing a role in creating the conditions that lead to human smuggling.

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