Shelley E. Taylor


Shelley E. Taylor is a Distinguished Professor and co-director of the Health Psychology Program at the... Read More Shelley E. Taylor

Robert J. Sampson


Robert J. Sampson is the Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences at Harvard University. He received... Read More Robert J. Sampson

Elinor Ostrom


Elinor Ostrom (1933-2012) was the Arthur F. Bentley Professor of Political Science and Professor of Public... Read More Elinor Ostrom

Robert O. Keohane


Robert O. Keohane is a Professor of International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and... Read More Robert O. Keohane

Claudia Goldin


Claudia Goldin is Henry Lee Professor of Economics at Harvard University as well as the Director of the... Read More Claudia Goldin

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