Work, Family, and Workplace Flexibility


Workplace flexibility, work-family conflict, and time famine have taken the spotlight in recent years as... Read More Work, Family, and Workplace Flexibility

Race, Religion, and Late Democracy


The killing of Osama bin Laden, the aftermath of the Arab Spring movements, and the shocking and tragic July... Read More Race, Religion, and Late Democracy

Patrimonial Power in the Modern World


During the 2011 uprisings in the Arab world, protesters demanded the ouster of authoritarian forms of rule... Read More Patrimonial Power in the Modern World

Young Disadvantaged Men: Fathers, Families, Poverty, and Policy


By age 30, between 68 and 75 percent of young men in the United States, with only a high school degree or... Read More Young Disadvantaged Men: Fathers, Families, Poverty, and Policy

Race, Racial Attitudes, and Stratification Beliefs


Utilizing a mix of methodological and theoretical approaches, the contributors of this ANNALS volume... Read More Race, Racial Attitudes, and Stratification Beliefs

The Child as Citizen


This volume of the ANNALS considers conceptual, legal, and practical issues related to the realization of... Read More The Child as Citizen

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