annals-briefing.480.359.sMany US workers are faced with the undesirable choice between meeting the demands of work and the needs of their families. Special editors Kathleen Christensen and Barbara Schneider took on the topic in depth in the November 2011 volume of the ANNALS, making it clear that there is a sizable and increasing mismatch between the needs of modern families and the structure of employment in contemporary America. For those adults who need and want to work, but who also have significant family responsibilities, flexibility in the time, timing, and location of work provides one way to realign the structure of work to their needs.

Christensen, along with Hank Jackson, President and CEO of the Society of Human Resources Management, and John Perry, CEO of Solix Inc.,  brought this critical topic to Capitol Hill in a Congressional briefing sponsored by U.S. Senators Sherrod Brown and Mike Crapo.

Read more about the briefing on the Recruiting Trends website.

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